
And so, she gave it all away.

Just like that...

Her blush was priceless...


It got all Joongboers thinking and guessing and spazzing: Is there really something between them? Why the super blush, Unnie? Does the host/emcee know something?

Truth be told, I almost jumped off the ship, but the spazzes came pouring in, and I am once again lost in my love for Joongbo. Will this addiction ever stop??

1 comment:

GaGa said...

I constantly wonder that too, will my Joongbo Addiction go away?
Especially I keep reading rumors surrounding Joongbo.
I wonder myself how/ why I still believe Joongbo love is in the air?
But at the end of day, all I want is the Happiness for Hye Jung and Hyun Joong. And seems that, they are the happiest when they are together!