A Day In The Life Of (100,000 Won Kisses)

Oh wow, it's been TWO YEARS.. Happy 2nd Anniversary Ssangchu!! I was really happy yesterday that Hwangbo Unnie acknowledged all her fans around the world and sent tweets addressing everyone.. I love her, she's such an angel. I wish I was like her.. I wonder how long it took her to translate all those messages in different languages and scripts.. Stars should be like her...

This one was influenced by a Rod Stewart song, You're In My Heart. I didn't know how to end this, so I'm sorry if it's not something you guys expected. It does not really have a story line, it's just a day in the life of my fave fave couple ever!!

“Ugh!! That is so not true. I always greet everyone I meet. Even those in charge of the lights!”, she vehemently denied, “I'm friendly, you know.”, she added then licked her lips, something she does when she's nervous.

“Friendly? Why didn't you greet me then? Not even a gesture to acknowledge my presence?”, he continued teasing her about being a snob when they met at the Production Director's office.

Her nostrils flared, a sign that she's not so sure. “I bet you did not even greet me. Well, if you have such great memory Kim Hyunjoong, you should remember what I wore that day. I bet 100,000 won and three home cooked meals of your choice that you don't remember what I wore that day.”, she said pretty confident that Hyunjoong's memory isn't that great and hoping to change the topic.

They had been arguing about who greeted whom first on their very first meeting.

He laughed, then pointed his finger at her, “You cannot take that back, Hwangbo Hyejung!”

Hwangbo pouted, afraid she might just lose this bet.

“You were wearing a neon pink Adidas sweater, denim shorts, which by the way were way too short, white box t-shirt, rubber shoes, and Ray-ban sunglasses, even if the meeting was at 6PM”

She crossed her brows trying to recall. He was right. The show's Production Director called them in for a meeting before they began officially filming. She had to rush from rehearsals, so she had no other choice, but to wear the same clothes to the meeting. She didn't look too shabby in those clothes, so she decided not to change.

“But that's not the point”, she tried to reason out, but Hyunjoong was already gloating and smiling to himself, probably imagining the food he'd ask her to cook.

Although she knew she just lost 100,000 won and had to cook three meals for him, she could not help reminisce that very day two years ago as she looked at Hyunjoong flipping through a food magazine on her coffee table.

She remembered feeling really nervous that day. She was in fact a train wreck. She couldn't get the dance steps her friend, DJ Koo, has been teaching her for days, and it didn't really help that her devious friend, Seo Inyoung, called to announce that she heard from a writer that her 'hubby' was going to be one of those idols. She did not want more brush ins with those overly crazed fan girls, remembering how she had to shut down her cyworld for a few days when she guested in Loveletter and was torn between Micky and Yunho of DBSK, and the trash talk she got from Shinhwa fans when Junjin and her were rumored to be dating. She was seriously terrified of idol boys' fans.

She quickly walked down the hallway and sat lividly on the couch, letting her manager do all the talking. Someone knocked on the door, then a girl entered.

“PD-nim, Kim Hyunjoong and his manager are here”, she announced, ushered the two men to their seat and left.

Hwangbo focused her attention at the older man, probably in his 40's, with a stocky build, then her gaze started to study the idol who sat up straight.

'He was somewhere between a Roman God and an angel', she remembered her description when Boram asked about him after the meeting.

'He's too perfect to be true. I bet he's just another idol boy. Just good looking.', she added.

But she was wrong. He had a quirky personality and a four dimensional way of thinking which made her crack up at every joke or just everything he had to say.

“Yah! Earth to Buin!”, he said, trying to catch her attention.

When Hwangbo finally snapped out of the trance, he crossed his arms and gave her a quizzical look, “Tsk. Tsk. Tsk. You're becoming weird, Buin.”

“Me? Weird? Isn't that supposed to be your trait?”, she scoffed at what he said.

“Oh yeah, isn't that why you fell for me?”, he continued to tease her.

Hwangbo rolled her eyes then smirked.

Hyunjoong watched her as she tried her best to ignore his stare.

“Are you gonna stare at me like that forever?”, they said in unison, but Hyunjoong used a girly voice.

He just knew she was going to say the exact line every time she catches him staring intently at her.

Hyunjoong laughed then remembered the day he grew familiar and perhaps memorized all her habits and mannerisms.

She changed his idea of acting cute or just being cute. Hwangbo was cute even if she didn't try. She always said time and again that she hated acting cute, but unconsciously, she starts twitching her upper body and makes those faces, and Hyunjoong giggles, thinking, 'Oh, she's doing it again....'

Hwangbo stood up from the carpeted floor then walked towards Hyunjoong. She quickly sat and took the space between Hyunjoong and the arm of her white love seat. Snuggling close to him, too close it made Hyunjoong's pulse raise.

“Hyunjoongah..”, she purred, rubbing her face gently on his cotton shirt.

He didn't speak.

“Hyunjoongah...”, she called out his name softly again, this time taking his arm then wrapping it around her upper body.

He didn't budge.

“Joongie.. Don't you pity your Buin? She's broke and treated like a slave by her hubby...”, she gave him a cute grin.

Hyunjoong laughed. He knew she was just trying to find a way out of cooking his meals, “But Buin, don't you pity your Shillang? Hungry and tired from all those dancing and filming and shooting.. And, he misses his Buin's home cooked meals, too. He's been eating ramen with his brothers everyday at the studio, so he's not healthy.. All that MSG..”

Hwangbo batted her eyes at Hyunjoong, then pushed him away. “Arrasso!! I'll cook all the foods you want. Do you want me to cook for the young masters, too?”, a hint of irritation in her voice.

Upon seeing her reaction, he let out a throaty laugh, then snuggled her closer. “Oh Buin, do you know how cute you are when you're angry?”, he teased.

At that moment, he realized that there is no limit to his happiness when she is around. His love and respect for this woman is vast and limitless. She's everything he could ask for and more.

“I think I fell in love with a temptress...”, he started kissing the side of her long neck, making her giggle and squirm.

Hwangbo managed to push him away. She was ticklish on that part of her body. She marveled at the thought that he knew every inch of her like a map.

Hyunjoong grabbed her closer by the waist and tickled her even more. She pushed him away, using all her strength, then hopped out of the love seat.

She watched as he chased after her. He's become mushy and sweet. Hell, she even turned him to the cheesiest guy in all of Korea. Oftentimes, she wonders how and why he fell in love with her when there are others better and younger than her. But it didn't matter now, he was hers. 'Mine', she repeated to herself, 'He is mine'

He hastened his steps and looked at her as she ran behind the bigger couch. She was poetry in motion even in her old green racer back shirt, white YMCA shorts and her hair pulled back in a tight bun.

Hyunjoong was definitely enjoying what he was seeing. Her long legs. Her slender waist. Her fantastic S line. Her long black hair. Her gorgeous make-up less face. Her pretty smile. She was every schoolboy's dream.

He finally caught up with her when she slowed down near her glass encased collection.

Hyunjoong did not waste his chance. He grabbed from the back, then lifted her as she squirmed and begged Hyunjoong to be careful. He finally put her down on the mink rug, but Hwangbo kept on wiggling, so they landed in a messy heap. Hyunjoong on top of her.

“Please, please stop tickling me..”, she heaved, trying to control her breathing.

Hyunjoong smiled truimphantly, “So, this means....”

“Aniya...”, she protested trying to wiggle again, but Hyunjoong was far too heavy, “Shillang, you're really heavy.. And, I cannot breathe..”

“I'll get off if you..”,Hyunjoong was determined to win.

“Arrasso...”, she heaved, not because she wanted him off her, but because she knows how much this kid groom of hers love to win. And she was more than willing to cook for him no matter how tired she was. And she was willing to give him 100,000 won for making her happy.

Hyunjoong was beaming with joy. He adjusted himself on top of her, so that she could breathe.

Hwangbo inhaled all the oxygen her lungs could take in, then let out a big sigh. When she opened her eyes, she found Hyunjoong staring at her face.

“Yipouda?”, she asked jokingly.

Hyunjoong nodded, “Buin, I want bibimbap for dinner..”, he announced.

She rolled her eyes then let out a smirk, “Arrasso..”

Hyunjoong's smile widened.

“Are you that happy?”, she asked when he saw his reaction.

He nodded with an even bigger smile, “Very happy”

Hyunjoong lifted his hand, and brushed off the stray hair that covered his Buin's pretty forehead, then trailed kisses from her forehead to her long bridge nose, then her waiting lips. It was a slow, passionate, tender kiss.

When they finally ran out of oxygen, Hyunjoong rolled to his back. Hwangbo placed her head on Hyunjoong's arm and faced him, “Yeobo, wasn't that kiss worth 100,000 won?”

Hyunjoong smiled, his eyes still close. He shook his head, “Ane..”

Hwangbo frowned, but she was determined not to pay him that amount. She moved towards him, closing the small gap between their bodies. “What if I kiss you here?”, she said then kissed his cheeks.

Hyunjoong shook his head.

“Here?”, kissing his forehead.

Still, it was a No.

“Here?”, she carefully planted a kiss on his nose...


“Hmmm, here?”, she nibbled his earlobe gently..

But Hyunjoong still shook his head. He was just enjoying the tingly sensation and her soft tender teasing kisses.

“Ahh, I know..”, she whispered then gave him a wry smile.

Hwangbo licked her lips then positioned herself on top of Hyunjoong who was lying flat on his back. She dipped her head lower letting her lips touch his chin then made her way up his lower lip. She let her lips glide freely and mildly, covering even the corners of his flaming lips. “Here?”, she asked after slowly breaking away.

He smiled then shook his head.

“Are you sure?”, she purred then lowered her head for a more passionate, stronger kiss. When they were both out of breath, Hwangbo rolled to her side then lied down beside him, “And that, Mr. Kim? Is that kiss worth 100,000 won?”

“More..”, Hyunjoong closed his eyes and smile.

“Yah!! You're really enjoying making fun of me, aren't you?”, she glared at Hyunjoong then sat down beside him.

He chuckled at her reaction, “What I meant Hwangbo Hyejung was that kiss was worth more than 100,000 won..”

Hwangbo was smiling proudly to herself, “I know... I'm such a good kisser, right?”

She bent down to kiss him again then abruptly pushing him away, “And that one was worth one meal...”, she announced.

Hyunjoong flung open his eyes, “Andwe...”

“Why? You want one more kiss, that'd be worth another meal. If you want one more, then we're even”, she said in a straight face but meant it as a joke, then started to bend down to kiss him. Hyunjoong suddenly stood up almost colliding with Hwangbo.

“My dinner...No!”, he muttered covering his lips with his hand, protecting it from Hwangbo's kisses.

“You can't kiss me anymore Buin. I need to eat..”, he quickly ran out of the room, leaving Hwangbo rolling on the floor and her signature laugh.

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