Taking Risks

My first ever collaboration with my evil sole sister, Bee, for our perviest evil little sister, Pam.

Hope you like this, Pammy.



The quiet stillness of the dawn woke her from her dreamy reverie. Still with closed eyes, she marveled at the contrast between the cool satin sheet and the soft warm bare skin behind her. Two things she like most, two things that made her happy. But when she opened her eyes, the happy bubble just flew away, and in a few seconds it was gone.

She hated this time of the day.

She hated that she had to wake up before the sun rises and leave.

She hates it when she has to dress up in the darkness and pretend that it did not hurt every time she left.

She slowly untangled herself from the arms of the man behind her and gently pushed herself off the bed then walked naked towards the bathroom picking up pieces of her clothing along the way.

She leaned on the sink for support after splashing her face with cold water to wake her up somehow. She stared at the woman's who looked back at her.

This was the woman who broke her own heart and tried to reassemble it. This was the woman who swore that she would never let herself forget, and promised she'd never sing of love if it does not exist.

This was the woman who thought she'd stop believing in love because somewhere deep in her soul she knows that love never lasts and find other ways to make it alone. She always kept a straight face and lived like this, keeping a comfortable distance.

Up until now, she had sworn to herself that she was content with loneliness because none of it was ever worth the risk.

She breathed it all in. She was back to where she originally started. Sleep was finally washed off along with the water that once touched her face. Harsh reality started knocking on her brains.

D.ammi.t!”, she cursed silently when she realized she was not able to pick up all her clothing items.

She makes her way back to the still dark bedroom. Her eyes scanned the vicinity to look of her white camisole, but her eyes would not leave the man still sprawled on the bed. His face gentle now as he sleeps. There were things in life that could never be, one of them was him and her, a them.

She wanted to hold him again, but she had to restrain herself.

She had a tight grip on reality, but she can't let go of what's in front of her here. She knows she should be leaving. But still she prays that every time she wakes up, he would leave some kind of proof that it's not a dream.

She took one step closer to the bed, then another one, and another one, until she was right there in front of him. She sat down, only a thin piece of the discarded dress shirt protecting her bottom from the cold marble floor.

She watched him breathe in and out, his chest rising and falling, following certain rhythm making a resonating sound each time.

She has stopped believing that a love between a man and woman existed, but why does she feel like reassembling her broken heart now, why does she sing love songs, most of all, why does it hurt her so much every time she turns to leave.

Perhaps because he was the only exception to all those things about love she believed in.

She reached over to him, her fingertips brushing his soft cheeks, tracing the contour of his unshaven face, touching his eyebrows, his uneven nose, even the dark circles under his eyes.

In that instant, she realizes, he was the only exception to all those things about love she believed in, and she was on her way to believing in love again.

Hyejung lifts herself up from the floor and settles herself on the bed. She lied on her side to face him and put his arm over your waist.

Hyunjoong stirred a little, then opened his eyes. He smiled like an innocent child loving the morning.

You did not leave me today...”, he whispered happily.

No, I didn't..”, she answered settling her cheeks on his bare muscular chest, listening to his heart beat.

He pulled her closer and embraced her tighter, “I wish you'd never have to leave me again. Please Jungie, never leave me again..”


It shall not end here my friends: Taking Risks II by Jobibee

*lyrics from Paramore


Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

wow i agree with pam 2 head is better than one...i love your collaboration...you and bee should do something like this again but this time a longer fan fic

Thanks mads for always entertaining us with your swesome ff's

Ate Sue

Anonymous said...

bruha + bee = jjang Sole sisters!!!

two heads are better than one so they say, so two awesome heads are what? better than 3, 4 or maybe even more???

so proud of you both!

to my two evilest and eviler, pinky and gorgeous sole sisters; HIGHEST HIGH 5!!!

very well done!


Anonymous said...

bruha and bee <3 <3 <3