Playing House

author's note:(i'm lazy, even my note is copied from PB)i'm trying my luck with long fics again..

i know it's too early, but please tell me if i should go on with this or not... ??? ??? ???

i've written a couple of chapters, but i thought i'd scrap the idea just like some fics because yeah, i'm fickle minded like that! hahaha!!

so, as usual, comments and suggestions are very much welcome..

Prologue: “Love does not begin and end the way we seem to think it does. Love is a battle, love is a war; love is a growing up.” – James Baldwin

Hwangbo threw herself unto the bed of their make believe house. She was done crying and loathing Hyunjoong. Her eyes were red and puffy, her cheeks stained with the mascara that ran down until her jaws. She still could not believe though that he did not tell her anything about his and his management's decision beforehand.

She was called to a meeting that morning with the writers and producers. She had expected Hyunjoong to be there, but he was not, his manager was there instead. Her head felt heavy and the veins throbbed when the sudden announcement was made.

“Hyunjoong and DSP decided to end his appearances in this show to give way to more projects and prepare for SS501's upcoming Asian concert. In line with this, we are very grateful to We Got Married's staff, producers, directors and writers for this chance, most especially you, Hwangbo. All the fame and attention he has been getting was partly because of you”

Hwangbo massaged her temples and closed her eyes. She gave out a gruff laugh at her ability to remember bad experiences to the most minute details. 'Fame and attention—so, that's what it's all about. Whatever happened to 'I am falling in love with you'?', she thought.

“Buin, I have something to tell you. You have to understand though... I am not... I cannot say... I am not... Words... It's not easy... Express... It's hard... Aissshhhhh! What I'm trying to say is, I think, no, I am certain that I like you, no, I am falling in love with you”

A sudden knock on the door interrupted her journey to memory lane. “Hwangbo-ssi, Hyunjoong-ssi will be late for about two hours today.”

Her quick temper got the best of her. “Yeah, whatever”, she grunted under her breathe. Hwangbo walked out of the room taking her car keys with her, “I'll be back in three hours!”, she announced and left the apartment. The staff members were left in awe at her blunt and sudden statement.

She drove through the busy streets passing each car easily as if boasting her ability to drive like a pro. She did not even care if a highway police would stop her for speeding. All she cared about at that time was finding a diversion for the mixture of frustration and anger inside her.

The next days that came were harder for her. Acting and pretending not to care in front of someone she loved was hardest for Hwangbo. She refused to talk to him outside We Got Married, making it difficult for Hyunjoong to explain nor understand her sudden behavior. She always left early and stayed quiet on the set. Her smiles were all fake, and he could sense the hatred when she looks at him. She only did what was asked of her, nothing more, nothing less.

Their farewell at Mt. Halla was something Hwangbo did not prepare for. She was exhausted and getting too emotional. She never cried on national television, but she could not help it and bawled her eyes out. The tears were endless.

Hyunjoong did not expect her sudden outburst either. He wanted to talk to her or comfort her at least, but she was always in a hurry to leave.

He tried, God knows, he tried to communicate with her, but there is not much one can do when she was not willing to let him in. It almost felt to Hyunjoong like she has severed all ties with him.

Opportunity for Hyunjoong came in the presence of the Awards Night, but he got the same cold treatment. He was not too happy either, especially not with the dress she wore. When they were alone backstage, he started ranting about how her dress was too short, too open at the back, too low cut in the front which annoyed the already angry Hwangbo.

She snapped at him, “Well at least my dress did not leave me hanging in midair because it's getting more fame and attention”. With that, she left.

Hyunjoong's mouth dropped, 'Fame and attention, are those the reasons why she thinks I am leaving the show?', he asked himself. That night, it felt like all of Hyunjoong's energy was drained and gone to waste. He gave up, something he has never done in his life.

Hwangbo clenched her jaw as she walked out, any sudden change in her facial expression and she would cry out all the liquid left in her body. It was time to move on, she told herself.

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