Bald is Beautiful

Ahck, I'm getting too emotional these days..

Mianhe in advance...


He used to style his hair however he felt like it. He took very good care of it after being criticized for dying it orange once.

It was his crowning glory.

But now, he stands in front of your vanity—slowly brushing his fingers through his hair, staring at the loose strands on his fingers. His eyes filled with sorrow and pain.

He takes one of your beanies from the display shelf and tries it on, then one of your caps. But seeing his appearance on the mirror does not satisfy him. He takes off the hat and lets out a big sigh.

He blankly stares at the strands of his hair scattered on the floor and the vanity. Thinking deeply.

He quickly hides the devastation on his face when he sees your almond eyes fixed on him. He forces a smile.

“It’s just hair.. It will grow back”, he said.

You open your eyes wider to keep the tears from breaking loose and spilling on your cheeks.

“Right.. It will grow back, honey..”, you try your best to keep your voice from shaking.

You admire his strength, and most of all, you admire his will power to continue to live on despite the odds and the pain caused by his illness.

You walked towards him and hugged him from behind. You did not want to see him so weak and powerless. You did not want him to see how painful it was for you to see him that way. You wanted to be strong for him. You wanted to be his rock, but all your strength crumbles down to tiny pebbles and dust when you hear him cry because of the pain.

Your shoulders shudder as the tears streamed down your face. You hold him tighter.

“Stop crying my Love.”, he said untangling your arms around his waist, and started to go through a black bag on top of the vanity, searching for something.

“Will you do something for me, Honey?”, he mumbled, still concentrating on looking for something.

You nodded as you watched his reflection on the mirror.

At this very moment, you were willing to do anything for him, anything to make him happy, anything to make him feel just how much you love him.

In this relationship, he has been the strong one. Although you were born a few years earlier, you always relied on him for strength on anything and everything—be it in your career, your family, your friends.

He finally found what he was looking for. He smiled and turned to you.

He handed a silver electronic gadget over to you, and placed it in your trembling hands.

You looked at him, confused.

“Will you shave it all off for me, Buin?”, he smiled, sincerely.

“No…no… I can’t do it…”, you try to hand it back to him. You were beginning to cower.

But he refused to take it, “Please??”, he begged.

“I want you to do it.”

“You know this is not easy for me. But if you will be the one to shave off my hair, maybe it won’t be as tough.”

“You know I would have easily given up on this battle with cancer, but you said you wanted me to fight it. You said you wanted me to fight it and that you’ll fight it with me. You said you wanted me to fight it for you and our love. It was painful, words can never explain the pain, but I will and I am. I chose to fight it because of you.”

“When I sit on that chemo chair, I think of you, a future with you, the love I will share with you, and it does not hurt as much anymore…”

You wipe the tears on your cheek and reached over to wipe his tears. It was your turn to be strong for him. It was your turn to be his rock.

“Sit down”, you told him. He complied.

You held the device tightly after turning it on. You smiled at him.

“Are you ready??”, you asked.

He bobbed his head up and down. There was not a single trace of pain in his eyes as he smiled eagerly.

It was not an easy thing to do, but for this man, you are just about ready to do anything because you need him, because you love him, because you love him perhaps more than you love yourself, so you need him more than the riches and the fame this world can ever offer.


This story came from nowhere.. Lie!!

Having to watch someone close to you fight cancer is disheartening. Your insides turn to jelly and you lose strength. Yesterday, I came home to see a family member balding, almost hairless. She smiled at me, and said, I think I need to have all of it shaved already. I sucked it all up and smiled back, Yeah, the weather is kind of hot, so maybe it'll be more refreshing for you that way..

I'm looking for a diversion, so here it is...TADA...

Comments ABOUT THE FIC are deeply appreciated.
Bald is Beautiful Pancreatic Cancer Chemotherapy Chemo Purple Pictures, Images and Photos


Anonymous said...

sad yet beautiful

simple yet meaningful

painful yet sweet

another jjang work from a jjang sister...



Anonymous said...

how do you do it? i mean write despite the pain?

very raw emotions here. i can see the writer's emotions shining through in this fic. but i also like the positivity and hope it brings.

keep writing..

GaGa said...

Fighting!! Bruha!!!
I've been there, and know how hard this would be!!

I am strong enough to smile in front of her, and I know you could do the same!
Always show her your love!
Not necessary to speak it out, I know Asian is very conservative, but by showing your love towards action.....

Putting hand cream on her, and lightly massage her;
Always take a walk with her;
Peeling fruits for her;
Giving her kisses;
Hug her;
Be with her as much as you can, even if at the end the outcome may not be how you wished to be, you would not regret that you spent too little time with her...

Stay Strong!!
If you want to vent out, don't hesitate to chat with me.

Anonymous said...

Please be strong so that you can fight it with her. And hope she gets all the strength to fight it.

bebe said...

Ate bru, this is just soooooo meaningful. And sad..But hey, I think he'll be cured, afterall, Hb is his nurse.hehe

Bebe :)

LvKprogram said...

I thought I was reading about my brother and his wife's story. It bring's back sad memories of his struggle and how he fought hard to win the battle of cancer. In the end his four year old son gave him permission to go to heaven. There was a part in the story about the losing hair due to chemo. I remember he told me a similar day he looked at himself in the mirror and it reminded him of gollum from lord of the ring. He hated it so he asked his wife to shave his head for him.

Watching someone you love with this terrible disease is hard to bare. I know how you feel. I will pray for you and the person you care about.

Thank you for writing such a beautiful story.

Anonymous said...

unnie, I can't imagine such things would happen to our couple. And I agree with you having someone you know is sick is really hard. Whether its just a simple flu or worst case, cancer!!! I don't know what will I do if i face such event... Guess, I would break down in tears ;(


Anonymous said...

gush bru! cancer again! but for the first time! its a sad fic but i didnt cry!


Anonymous said...

ate nadene.

this is so meaningful.
even though its a sad fanfic i still love it.

i never been to your situation. but please be strong for her. hug her. :)
